So what have I learned, sometimes it is easier to frog and re-cast-on, then to try and pick up lost stitches.
With the Breeze Hip Hugger's done, I am still slaving away at R2D2...but there is minor hope that it might be done before DH goes to Se
a, why he wants it while at Sea I will never know, but that being said he better not come back with a "Hat overboard" situation.

I am still plugging away at the Knit soaker too, got a bit of a glitch
can't figure out how to pick up the 36 stitches in the l eg, don't get me wrong I know how to pick up stitches, its just t
hese do not want to be picked up...but I will knit those stitches into compliance one way or another.

I want to cast another another pair of leg warmers, socks or tights for Bree though, but first a little imput from DH as to preference.

News from the kitchen (AKA Frugal Mom's labratory), cooking up some chili & bread. I found a great recipes for Italian Bagettes which I highly recommend, I can't keep it in the house here.

Italian Bagette Recipe
1 1/2 c Warm
3 1/4 c Flour
2 Tbsp gluten
1 3/4 tsp salt
3 tsp yeast
Make on dough cycle in bread mahine, divide into two portion, shape into two long loaves, and lerave covered in a warm draft free area for 1 hour. Put 3-4 diagonal slashes on top & cook in 450 oven for 20-25minutes. Enjoy warm or cooled (if it can cool...mine is usually stollen by little & big fingers before it has a chance). Main bread thief pictured at left.
Until next time, happy bread eating.
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