Thursday, February 26, 2009

My eco-green-organic Children

Ok, I will admit it, we have kids and we try to be better people.
We want to be good parents, (okay if you know mw you want to be the best parent you can be...) this makes us think of the ways we can do things better.
Maybe I should...
- go with the reusable container
- the paper bag instead of the plastic, or better yet maybe a reuable cloth bag...
- use less chemcials in the house for cleaning (okay lets be honest that has more to do with them eating or playing with it)
Then one kids bum decides it "allergic" (yet he really does have a reaction, whether it is an allergy or not, I might never know) to fine....
- cloth diapers
The someone's bum decides all those harsh cleaning chemicals in the wipes are "nasty"...
- home made reusable cloths
The somebody (coughs and clears throat) decides "Earth Day" would make a good birthday, so is if to remind us all at least once a year to be kinder to the Earth, of course this results in use being reminded everytime we look at her precious face.
Well this morning Lee decided to "steal" my bowl of Nature's Path Heritage O's...basically Organic I blame him?  No, they are really tasty, but just another step in the organic direction I guess.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pick Up Your Stitches

So what have I learned, sometimes it is easier to frog and re-cast-on, then to try and pick up lost stitches.
With the Breeze Hip Hugger's done, I am still slaving away at R2D2...but there is minor hope that it might be done before DH goes to Se
a, why he wants it while at Sea I will never know, but that being said he better not come back with a "Hat overboard" situation.
I am still plugging away at the Knit soaker too, got a bit of a glitch
can't figure out how to pick up the 36 stitches in the l eg, don't get me wrong I know how to pick up stitches, its just t
hese do not want to be picked up...but I will knit those stitches into compliance one way or another.
I frogged DH surprise due to "technical difficulties' and haven't decided wether I will "re-cast on" or not.  It was a bit of a wonky gift anyway, and I am not sure how useful it really would be.
I want to cast another another pair of leg warmers, socks or tights for Bree though, but first a little imput from DH as to preference.
These two have a Masters in Frogging.  They will be teaching a class sometime soon.  Only Prerequite will be you must be under 4 years old.
News from the kitchen (AKA Frugal Mom's labratory), cooking up some chili & bread.  I found a great recipes for Italian Bagettes which I highly recommend, I can't keep it in the house here.

Italian Bagette Recipe
1 1/2 c Warm 
3 1/4 c Flour
2 Tbsp gluten
1 3/4 tsp salt
3 tsp yeast
Make on dough cycle in bread mahine, divide into two portion, shape into two long loaves, and lerave covered in a warm draft free area for 1 hour.  Put 3-4 diagonal slashes on top & cook in 450 oven for 20-25minutes.  Enjoy warm or cooled (if it can cool...mine is usually stollen by little & big fingers before it has a chance).  Main bread thief pictured at left.
Until next time, happy bread eating.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Birthday White Juan.

Way to celebrate.  I guess Mother Nature decided to throw a big "do", a no hold back kinda thing.  Lots of Wind, snow & ice. :) 
My DH, decided to show Bree the snow, I don't think she was too impressed.  The boys on the other hand...well I am still trying to convince Dee to come inside, and Lee had to have a nap...Yeah!
Anyhow, hope everyone is enjoying the snow paradise. :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bee's Leg Warmer Pattern

For any of you that wanted a copy of my pattern.

Breeze Hip Huggers (with sock option)
Sizes:  0-6 months (6-12m, 18-24m)
Note: Instructions written for Size 0-6 months (changes in brackets)
Finished Measurements:
Length:  20cm, 28cm, 36cm
Circumference:  15cm, 20cm, 25cm
Foot Length:  3 ¾ , 4, 4 ¼ 
1 (2 if using twinned knitting) Balls - Briggs & Littles Tuffy
Set of four 4mm DPN, or size required to obtain gauge
Gauge (on 4mm DPN):
Stocking Stitch (Knit one row, purl one row) 
20sts & 28 rows = 10cm
1x1 rib (Knit one, purl one) 25sts & 28 rows = 10cm

Pattern: (Make two)
Cast on 30 (40, 50) stitches.  Divide evenly on 3 DPN (double pointed needles).
Work 1x1 ribbing (K1, P1) for 9 (12, 15) rounds.
Work 38 (52, 70) rows in stocking stitch (Knit all rounds, or pattern of choice).
Work 9 (12, 15) rows 1x1 ribbing (Knit one, purl one). 
Cast off it making Leg Warmers.

Sock Version: continue from above: 
(use twinned knitting for working the entire sock)
Knit One round, decrease 2 (decrease 8, 14) sts. – You should have 28 (32, 36) Sts on the needles.
Divide stitches so you have 9:12:9 (10:12:10, 11:14:11)
Knit one round
Slip last 7 (8, 9) sts worked onto free needle; knit first 7 (8, 9) sts of last rnd worked onto same needle (these stitches make the heel flap).  Slip remaining 14 (16, 18) sts onto stitch holder for instep. 
Heel Flap: (Heel flap is worked in row)
Row one (wrong side)
Sl 1 as to purl, purl across. Turn
Row 2 (right side)
Sl 1 as to knit, knit across row.  Turn.
Rows 3 through 16:
Rep Rows 1 and 2 six (seven, eight) more times.
Turning Heel:
Row 1: (wrong side)
P8 (10, 12); P2tog; p1 Turn leaving rem 3 sts unworked.
Row 2 (right side)
Sl 1 as to knit, K3 (5, 7) SSK; K1. Turn, Leaving rem 3 sts unworked.

Row 3:
Sl1 as to purl, P 4 (6, 8), P2tog; P1 Turn, leaving rem sts unworked
Row 4:
Sl 1 as to knit, k 5 (7, 9), SSK; K1. Turn, leaving rem sts unworked.
Row 5:
Sl 1 at to purl, P 6(8, 10), P2tog – 9 (11, 13 sts). Turn.
Row 6:
Sl 1 as to knit, K 6 (8, 10), SSK – 8 (10, 12) sts.  Do not turn.
With right side facing you and one free needle, pick up 7 (8, 9) sts along left hand side of heel flap; on next free needle, K14 (16, 18) sts from sts holder, on last free needle, pick up 7(8, 9) sts along right side of heel flap, knit first 3 (5, 7) sts of heel onto same needle; slip rem 3 (5, 7) sts of heel onto beg of first needle - 36 (42, 48) sts
Round 1:
On first needle, knit to last 3 sts; K2 tog; K1; on second needle, knit across; on third needle K1, SSK; knit rem sts. – 34 (40, 46) sts
Rnd 2:
Rnd 3 through 10: Rep Rnd 1 & Rnd 2 four more times.  At end of Rnd 10 –  24 (32, 36) sts
Rnd 1:
Rep Rnd 1 until foot measures 2 ¾” - 6 rounds (3” - 8 rounds, 3 ¼” - 10 rounds).
Toe Shaping:
Rnd 1:
On first needle, knit to last 3 sts; k2tog; k1; on second needle, k1 SSK; knit to last 3 sts; k2tog; k1; on third needle, k1, ssk; knit rem sts – 20 (28, 32) sts
Rnd 2:
Rnd 3 through 8:
Repeat Rnds 1 and 2 three more times.  At end of Rnd 8 – 8 (16, 20) sts
Rnd 9:
Knit one round.
Knit sts from first needle onto third needle. Cut yarn, leaving a 30cm end for weaving.

With tapestry needle and end, weave toe together using kitchener stitch.  Weave in all ends.

Extra Notes:  If unfamiliar with twinned knitting, sock can be worked as regular with one strand of yarn.

(Do not mass reproduce or distribute this pattern, post it to another web site, or use the pattern in any way for a profit without my written permission. To do so is a violation of copyright.)
Copyright 2009 by Shelley Raniowski

Monday, February 16, 2009

Snazzy Legs get warmer.

Another week done.
I have to give much credit to all those knitters who can finish up a sweater in a week, I don't know how they do it.  Between picking up stitches that have been pulled off my kneedles, and all the other stuff...laundry, dishes, sewing, diapers, running after toddlers, etc...I am lucky if I ever finish a sock let alone something like a sweater.
I was so pleased with myself for finishing Bee's Leg Warmers with built in socks this past weekend.
On the needles at the moment, I have DH R2D2 Hat, Lee's Diaper Soaker, & DH surprise (more later).
It has been "one of those weeks", ran out of laundry off to the kitchen to make more (now I am out of laundry soap making supplies).  Ran out of Pink Solution, off to the kitchen to make more of that too...thankfully my sister helped with that bad I accidently made it double strength.  And what seems to be a weekly occurance, ran out of baby wipes...yup off to the kitchen to make more...I sometimes wonder wether the kitchen is used more for making up non-food items or for cooking.
Valentines Day:  My lovable son Dee was too excited to get a new pizza pan for Valentines...yea...go ahead and tell me that the way to a boys heart is through his tummy...LOL.  Funny that Lee's gift was a little "smartie" heart...gotta love a 2 year old covered in chocolate.  Bee just too young for it all yet.  And my DH, lets just say that a coffee maker is his heart's delight.   Nothing like a good caffine buzz to get the old heart a pumping in the

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Blogging Days.

I decided to give this blogging thing a go.  Thought it would help to keep my thought & daily life in order..NOT.
It will mainly be me blogging about my thoughts about life as a stay at home mom.  The things I like doing, Ie Knitting, sewing, photography, baking, cooking, hiking, frugal living, money saving, and anything else I am interested in and fancy blogging about.
I am a Navy wife, and mother to three beautiful children, with hopes of adding another one to the clan eventually.
Welcome to my blog.